Aesop’s Fables De Vulpe, Cane et Gallo

I’ve started a Latin resource for Aesop’s Fables and hope to publish it in the summer. In the meantime, I’ll be posting the Latin text of the fables with their vocabulary every day. Look forward to the book sometime in July or August. In the meantime check out my other published works here:

Canis et gallus in rure ambulant. Nox appropinquat, et gallus arborem altam ascendit, et canis ad pedem arboris dormit. Gallus cum voce canorā vocat. Vulpes vocem audit, et appropinquat. Promittit, “Docebō carmen novum tibi si ab arbore descendis. Gallus respondet, “Descendam si comitem meum, quī sub arbore dormit, excitas.” Vulpes avide canem excitat, et canis gallum defendit.

Altus, a, um- highExcito, are, avi, atus- to wake up
Ambulo, are, avi, atus- to walkGallus, i, m.- rooster
Appropinquo, are, avi, atus- to approachMeus, a, um- my
Arbor, arboris, f.- treeNovus, a, um- new
Ascendo, ere, ascendi, ascensus- to climbNox, noctis, f.- night
Audio, ire, ivi, itus- to hear, listenPes, pedis, f.- foot
Avide (adv.)- greedilyPromitto, ere, promisi, promissus- to promise
Canorus, a, um- melodious, harmoniousQui, quae, quod- who
Carmen, carminis, n.- songRespondeo, ere, respondi, responsus- to respond
Comes, comitis, c.- companionRus, ruris, n.- countryside, country
Defendo, ere, defendi, defensus- to defendSub+abl.- under
Descendo, ere, descendi, descensus- to climb downVoco, are, avi, atus- to call
Doceo, ere, ui, doctus- to teachVox, vocis, f.- voice
Dormio, ire, ivi, itus- to sleepVulpes, vulpis, f.- fox

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