De Leone et Quattuor Tauris

I’ve started a Latin resource for Aesop’s Fables and hope to publish it in the summer. In the meantime, I’ll be posting the Latin text of the fables with their vocabulary every day. Look forward to the book sometime in July or August. In the meantime check out my other published works here:

Quattuor taurī foedus faciunt. Foedus dicit, “Habebimus pacem et periculum una.” Leō esuriens et iratus hoc videt. Leō esuriens autem taurōs petere non potest. Leo dicit: “Dividam taurōs cum verbīs falsīs, et tum devorabō eōs.” Leō unam taurum ab alterō taurō cum verbīs falsīs dividit, et tum taurum solum devorat.

Si vīs vincere, divide.

Alter, altera, alterum- anotherPax, pacis
Cum+abl.- withPericulum, i, n.- danger
Divioo, ere, divisi, divisus- to dividePeto, ere, ivi, itus- to attack; request; search for
Esuriens, esurientis- hungryQuattuor- four
Facio, ere, feci, factus- to makeSolus, a, um- alone, lone
Falsus, a, um- falseTaurus, i, m.- bull
Foedus, foederis, n.- pact, treatyUnus, a, um- one
Hic, haec, hoc- this; these (pl.)Verbum, i, n.- word
Iratus, a, um- angryVinco, ere, vici, victus- to conquer
Leo, leonis, m.- lion

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