Aesop’s De Cornice et Urna

I’ve started a Latin resource for Aesop’s Fables and hope to publish it in the summer. In the meantime, I’ll be posting the Latin text of the fables with their vocabulary every couple of days. Look forward to the book sometime in July or August. In the meantime check out my other published works here:

Cornix est sitibunda. Cornix reperit urnam plenam aquae, sed urna est profunda. Cornix vult bibere aquam, sed non potest bibere aquam. Cornix igitur levat lapillulōs ex arenā, et iniectit lapillulōs in urnā. Lapillulī levant aquam. Cornix bibit aquam.

Necessitas est mater inventionis.

Aqua, ae, f.- waterLevo, are, avi, atus- to lift
Arena, ae, f.- sandMater, matris, f.- mother
Bibo,ere, bibi, bibitus- to drinkNecessitas, necessitatis, f.- necessity
Cornix, cornicis, f.- crowPossum, posse, potui- to be able
Et- andProfundus, a, um- deep
Igitur (adv.)- thereforeReperio, ire, repperi, repertus- to find, discover
Inicio, ere, inieci, iniectus- to throw intoSitibundus, a, um- thirsty
Inventio, inventionis, f.- inventionUrna, ae, f.- urn
Lapillulus, i, m.- a little rock, pebble

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