Translating the Augsburg Confession Part XXXI (Article XXI)

Art. XXI. De Cultu Sanctorum.
De cultu sanctorum docent, quod[1] memoria sanctorum proponi potest, ut[2] imitemur fidem eorum et bona opera iuxta vocationem, ut Caesar imitari potest exemplum Davidis in bello gerendo[3] ad depellendos[4] Turcas a patria. Nam uterque rex est. Sed Scriptura non docet invocare[5] sanctos, seu petere auxilium a sanctis, quia unum Christum nobis proponit mediatorem,[6] propitiatorium, pontificem et intercessorem. Hic invocandus est,[7] et promisit se[8] exauditurum esse preces nostras, et hunc cultum maxime probat, videlicet ut[9] invocetur in omnibus afflictionibus. 1 Ioh. 2, 1: Si quis[10] peccat, habemus advocatum apud Deum etc.

[1] Quod…potest: a quod substantive clause
[2] Ut…vocationem: a purpose clause
[3] In bello gerendo: a gerundive modifying bello: in waging war
[4] Ad depellendos Turcas: a gerundive modifying Turcas with ad in order to show purpose: to drive out the Turks
[5] Invocare: invocare and petere are best taken as gerunds: Scripture does not teach invoking the Saints or seeking…
[6] Mediatorem…intercessorem: apposition for Christum
[7] Invocandus est: a passive periphrastic: He must be invoked
[8] Se…nostras: an indirect statement were se is the accusative subject and exauditurum esse is the infinitive main verb
[9] Ut…afflictionibus: a purpose clause
[10] Si quis: Si [ali]quis: if anyone

Concerning the worship of the saints, they teach that the memory of the saints can be related so that we imitate their faith and good works connected to a vocation as the Emperor is able to imitate the example of David in waging war in order to drive out the Turks from our county. For each is a king. But Scripture does not teach invoking the Saints or seeking aid from the Saints because it offers Christ alone as the mediator, propitiator, priest and intercessor for us. He must be invoked , and he promised that he would hear our prayers, and he commands this worship very greatly so that he is invoked in all our afflictions as he says in 1 John 2.1: If anyone sins, we have an advocate with God.

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