Translating the Augsburg Confession Part XVIII (Article XIII)

Art. XIII. De Usu Sacramentorum.

De usu sacramentorum docent, quod[1] sacramenta instituta sint, non modo ut[2] sint notae professionis inter homines, sed magis ut[3] sint signa et testimonia[4] voluntatis Dei erga nos, ad excitandam[5] et confirmandam fidem in his, qui utuntur, proposita. Itaque utendum est[6] sacramentis ita, ut[7] fides accedat, quae credat promissionibus, quae per sacramenta exhibentur et ostenduntur.

Damnant igitur illos, qui docent, quod[8] sacramenta ex opere operato iustificent, nec docent fidem[9] requiri in usu sacramentorum, quae credat remitti[10] peccata.

[1] Quod…sint: a quod substantive clause
[2] Ut…homines: a purpose clause
[3] Ut…proposita: a purpose clause where proposita sint is the main verb
[4] Signa et testimonia: apposition for the implied they which is the subject: they, as signs and testimonies,…
[5] Ad excitandam et confirmandam: gerundives modifying fidem with ad to show purpose: to awake and confirm faith
[6] Utendum est: the passive periphrastic: the sacraments must be used…
[7] Ut…accedat: A result clause introduced by ita in the previous clause
[8] Quod…iustificent: a quod substantive clause
[9] Fidem…sacramentorum: an indirect statement where fidem is the accusative subject and require is the infinitive main verb
[10] Remitti peccata: an indirect statement where peccata is the accusative subject and remitti is the infinitive main verb

They teach concerning the use of the sacraments that the sacraments have been instituted not only so that they are signs of profession among men but more so that as signs and testimonies they are put forward to awaken and confirm faith in those who use them. And so the sacraments must be used in such a way that faith, which believes the promises which are produced and shown through the sacraments, is added.

They condemn, therefore, those who teach that the sacraments justify because of the work which is performed and those who do not teach that a faith, which believes that sins are forgiven, is required for the use of the sacraments.

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