Translating the Augsburg Confession Part XI (Article VI)

Art. VI. De Nova Obedientia.

Item docent, quod[1] fides illa debeat bonos fructus parere, et quod[2] oporteat bona opera mandata[3] a Deo facere propter voluntatem Dei, non ut[4] confidamus per ea opera iustificationem coram Deo mereri. Nam remissio peccatorum et iustificatio fide[5] apprehenditur, sicut testatur et vox Christi Luc. 17, 10: Quum feceritis haec omnia, dicite: Servi inutiles sumus. Idem[6] docent et veteres scriptores ecclesiastici. Ambrosius enim inquit: Hoc constitutum est a Deo, ut,[7] qui credit in Christum, salvus sit[8] sine opere, sola fide[9] gratis accipiens[10] remissionem peccatorum.

[1] Quod…parere: a quod substantive clause
[2] Quod…Dei: a quod substantive clause
[3] Mandata a Deo: a participial phrase with a perfect passive participle which is describing opera
[4] Ut…mereri: a purpose clause
[5] Fide: an ablative of means
[6] Idem: a neuter substantive of idem, eadem, ideam: the same thing
[7] Ut…peccatorum: an indirect command introduced by constitutum est: that he who…
[8] Sit: the main verb for the implied he modified by qui
[9] An ablative of means modifying accipiens
[10] Accipiens: a present active participle modifying the implied he

They also teach that this faith ought to produce good fruits, and that it is fitting to do good works, commanded by God, on account of God’s good will, not so that we believe that we deserve justification before God through these works. For the remission of sins and justification is grasped by faith as also the voice of Christ testifies in Luke 17, 10: When you have done all these things, say: We are useless slaves. Also the old authors of the church teach the same thing. For instance Ambrose says: This has been established by God so that he, who believes in Christ, will be saved without work, receiving the remission of sins freely by faith alone.

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