Translating the Augsburg Confession Part X (Article V)

Art. V. De Ministerio Ecclesiastico.

Ut[1] hanc fidem consequamur, institutum est ministerium[2] docendi evangelii et porrigendi[3] sacramenta. Nam per Verbum et sacramenta tamquam per instrumenta donatur Spiritus Sanctus, qui fidem efficit, ubi et quando visum est[4] Deo, in iis, qui audiunt evangelium, scilicet[5] quod Deus non propter nostra merita, sed propter Christum iustificet hos, qui credunt[6] se propter Christum in gratiam recipi.
Damnant Anabaptistas[7] et alios, qui sentiunt[8] Spiritum Sanctum contingere sine Verbo externo hominibus per ipsorum praeparationes et opera.

[1] Ut: introduces a purpose clause
[2] Ministerium: the subject of the independent clause; it is modified by two gerunds: docendi and porrigendi
[3] Porrigendi: unusually here the gerund takes the accusative direct object sacramenta
[4] Visum est Deo: it seems good to God
[5] Scilicet: introduces the quod substantive clause quod Deus…hos: namely that God justifies
[6] Credunt: introduces an indirect statement where se is the accusative subject and recipi is the infinitive main verb
[7] Anabaptists
[8] Sentiunt: introduces an indirect statement where Spiritum Sanctum is the accusative subject and contingere is the infinitive main verb

So that we obtain this faith, the ministry of teaching of the Gospel and offering the sacraments has been instituted. For the Holy Spirit, who brings about faith in those who hear the Gospel, namely that God justifies those who believe that they are received into grace on account of Christ, not on account of their merits but on account of Christ, is given through the Word and the Sacraments, just as through instruments, where and when it seems good to God.

They condemn the Anabaptists and others who think that the Holy Spirit is granted to men without the external Word through the preparations and works of men.

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