A Prayer for Patience From Gerhard


O OMNIPOTENT, ETERNAL, AND MERCIFUL G OD , with humble sighs I implore You because of Your grace to grant me true and sincere patience. My flesh always desires what it wants, that is, what is easy and fleshly, but it refuses to suffer misfortune patiently. I ask You to restrain powerfully in me this inclination of the flesh and to prop up my weakness with the strength of patience. O Christ Jesus, teacher of patience and obedience, instruct me by the Holy Spirit so I may learn from You to deny my own will and to bear patiently the cross placed on me (Matthew 11:29). You suffered more painfully for me than I suffer under anything that You place on me. I have merited harder punishment than the punishment that You inflict. You bore a thorny crown and the weight of the cross. You sweat blood and trod the winepress of wrath because of me (Isaiah 63:3). Why then should I refuse to take up patiently such a small measure of suffering and affliction? Why should I shirk from being conformed to Your suffering in this life (1 Corinthians 15:49; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Philippians 3:21; Hebrews 13:13; 1 John 3:2)? You drank from the torrent of suffering in life (Psalm 110:7). Why should I refuse a meager sip from the cup of the cross? I have merited eternal punishment because of my sins. Why should I not suffer fatherly reproof in this world (Deuteronomy 8:5; Hebrews 12:7)? Those whom You knew from all eternity, before the foundations of the world were laid, You also predestined to be conformed to the image of Your Son in this life (Romans 8:29). So if I do not patiently bear this conformation to the cross, I despise Your holy and eternal plan for my salvation. Grant that this be far from me, Your most unworthy servant. It is to prove, not to punish, that You exercise me with various trials. When you place the cross and tribulation on me, You also grant me an equal amount of understanding and comfort. And the punishment never exceeds the reward. The sufferings of this life are not worthy of comparison to that heavenly consolation, which You grant already in this life, and to that heavenly glory, which You promise for the future (Romans 8:18). I know You are with me in tribulation (Psalm 91:15). I should rejoice over the presence of Your grace instead of being saddened over the burden of the cross placed on me. Lead me on whatever path You desire, O best Master and Teacher. I will follow You through thorns and briars, but draw me along and sustain me. I bow my head so You may place on it a crown of thorns. In doing this, I am absolutely convicted that one day You will place on it an eternal crown of glory.


From Meditations on Divine Mercy

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