Christianity as a means to an end or mere accesory

Due to lack of time and sleep deprivation, I’m simply going to put up a simply spectacular quote from J. Gresham Machen’s unfathomably helpful book Christianity and Liberalism.

“For if one
thing is plain it is that Christianity refuses to be regarded as a mere
means to a higher end.6 Our Lord made that perfectly clear when He
said: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father and mother . . . he
cannot be my disciple” (Luke xiv. 26). Whatever else those stupendous

words may mean, they certainly mean that the relationship to Christ
takes precedence of all other relationships, even the holiest of relationships
like those that exist between husband and wife and parent and
child. Those other relationships exist for the sake of Christianity and
not Christianity for the sake of them. Christianity will indeed accomplish
many useful things in this world, but if it is accepted in order to
accomplish those useful things it is not Christianity. Christianity will
combat Bolshevism; but if it is accepted in order to combat Bolshevism,
it is not Christianity: Christianity will produce a unified nation, in a
slow but satisfactory way; but if it is accepted in order to produce a
unified nation, it is not Christianity: Christianity will produce a healthy
community; but if it is accepted in order to produce a healthy community,
it is not Christianity: Christianity will promote international
peace; but if it is accepted in order to promote international peace, it is
not Christianity.”

C.F.W. Walther Quote

I am currently working through Walther’s theses on properly distinguishing law and gospel, so I will occasionally toss-up a grand Walther quote as a treat and a break from my inane rambling. Here you go:

Any one, therefore, imagining that Christ is a new Lawgiver and has brought us new laws cancels the entire Christian religion. For he removes that by which the Christian religion differs from all other religions in the world. All other religions say to man: “You must become just so and so and do such and such works if you wish to go to heaven.” Over against this the Christian religion says: “You are a lost and condemned sinner; you cannot be your own Savior. But do not despair on that account. There is One who has acquired salvation for you. Christ has opened the portals to heaven to you and says to you: Come, for all things are ready. Come to the marriage of the Lamb.” That is the reason, too, why Christ says: “I heal the sick, not them that are whole. I am come to seek and save that which was lost. I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Thesis 5)

Lex semper accusat?

Having seen the title of this blog, you might be wondering this: ‘Lex semper accusat, what does that even mean?’ Before you go rushing off to Google translator, hold on one-second so that I might explain it myself. Lex semper accusat is a Latin phrase that means this: ‘the law always accuses.’ Among other places in the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, the phrase is used in Article IV.38: “Paul says in Romans 4:15, ‘the law brings wrath.’ He does not say that by the law people merit forgiveness of sins. For the law always accuses and terrifies consciences.”

Put simply, the law will always accuse when it is applied to sinful men, whatever mode is being used. Even while exhorting the Christian to do the good works which have been set before him, the law still accuses him. It still condemns his imperfect obedience, and it reminds him of how greatly he needs the Christ. In light of this, we ought to never think that we can preach the law without it doing its accusing work, and we must be prepared to comfort men with the sweet Gospel.

While you’re here, check out my published works which include both Latin readers for the Book of Concord and ongoing daily Latin translations of the Augsburg Confession and the Apology of the Augsburg Confession. If you’re of a classical bent, you can find translations of Cicero and Seneca in my published works too. Soli Deo Gloria!

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